Whitehaven Quiz

Answer 8

The Puncheon public house

Points away if you thought it was the Rum Story on Lowther street - It is actually the Puncheon Inn on Chapel Street, although a warehouse containing part of Rum Story can be seen just behind.

The Puncheon of course refers to that very large barrel carried away by the two men. I say carried away because a puncheon was at least 70 gallons, which would be over 500lbs, therefore this one was probably empty. The largest barrel it is also known as a firkin or a tertian (third of a tun). This was probably the size of barrel containing rum used to preserve Nelson's body after Trafalgar.

Chapel Street is named after the original St. Nicholas chapel knocked down to make way for Lowther Street when the larger St. Nicholas church was built in 1693 on the present site. This makes it probably one of the oldest streets in town.

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